Two bills that will help promote job creation in Oregon went to the Governor’s desk for signature this week.
HB 2700, Linear Permitting: HB 2700 fixes a procedural nightmare for obtaining permits for linear facilities like transportation corridors and transmission lines. Improving unnecessarily slow and cumbersome permitting processes is a key way to accelerate job creation and improve Oregon’s reputation as a business unfriendly state. HB 2700 is an important step forward. The Coos Bay World did a nice piece on the passage of HB 2700.
HB 3017, Enterprise Zones: HB 3017 extends the sunset on Oregon’s Enterprise Zone program through 2025. Oregon’s Enterprise Zone program has been critical for job creation and new investment. Businesses located in Enterprise Zones can qualify for property tax abatements on new investments. Most recently, Enterprise Zones have been critical in attracting new investments in Oregon’s growing solar manufacturing industry, as discussed in this recent article in Sustainable Business Oregon.