The Daily Astorian
I consider myself pretty well-informed, but an article in The New York Times, “A $76,000 Monthly Pension: Why States and Cities Are Short on Cash,” was eye-opening. This article detailed how Oregon counties and cities are being sucked dry by obligatory contributions to the state’s Public Employees Retirement System (PERS).
If, for example, you have ever wondered why there is never any money to fix roads, treat the mentally ill, assist the homeless, or staff our classrooms, the answer is now clear. The vampires in Salem are sucking the very life-blood from our communities.
Why do we pay more taxes for less services? Answer: so that public retirees can earn pensions of $76,000 per month. I strongly urge this newspaper to get the rights to re-print that article and publish it for all to read.
Barry Plotkin