Welcome to the Oregon Business Plan

Since 2002 the Oregon Business Plan has been the state’s principal economic development forum, bringing together leaders from business, government, and nonprofit sectors to consider policies and initiatives to improve Oregon’s economy and life. In pursuit of Shared Prosperity, our strategic vision for the 2020s, the goals we advocate are to grow wages, increase the share of Oregonians working, grow household wealth, and increase economic mobility across Oregon’s diverse communities and geography.

The Business Plan has helped Oregon navigate two recessions and shape policy for a range of issues. Now we face the challenge of seizing opportunities for long-term, equitably shared prosperity.

Thinking Big, the theme of the 21st Leadership Summit, on December 11, 2023, underscored a call for bolder vision and action to grow our industry sectors and economy, revitalize Portland’s Central City and other communities, and make postsecondary education more available and affordable for more of our youth and displaced workers. See the 2023 Summit page for a recap of that event and access to Summit materials, visual media, and news coverage .

Save the date for the December 9, 2024 Leadership Summit!

Sponsorship is always essential to the Business Plan. Click the button directly above to learn more about sponsorship opportunities going forward in 2024.